Monday, December 8, 2008


Lesson 4.4, Part 1. Pages 230-231. Problems 12-20, 22-48 even.

Science 8

Punnett squares continued. The students shared the results of the pea crossings with the class.

A practice sheet was assigned...Due Tuesday!

7th Grade Math

Lesson 4-4, pages 168-169. Problems 8-40 and 43-49. Test/quiz/notes on Thursday.


Lesson 4-4, pages 172-173. Problems 11-42 and 45-48. Test/quiz/notes on Thursday.

Science 7

Today we read 1.2 Mapping the Earth. The students are to complete Key Terms/Concepts for 1.2. Most finished in class today.
We will have our test on 12/18/08

Literature 8

We reviewed Chapters 1-2. Questions were assigned as homework. Most students finished during work time.

Social Studies 7

The students were given their test back today. We reviewed the test in class, and they were handed back in. The students that earned an 80% or lower have an opportunity for a retake. In order to qualify for the retake, the students must complete the corrections packet (using complete sentences and following all directions). Also, Mrs. Moran's class has to have their test signed if student earned below a 75%

Health 7

Students took their ALcohol, and Other Drug Awareness unit test in class.
Permission slips for Human Growth and Development were due today. If they are not returned by Wed. students will not be able to remain in class and will be given an alternate assignment.

Health 8

Check, call, care- action steps were covered inclass today. Students learned how to remove gloves to prevent disease transmission and how to cehck a conscious adult.

Students shoud continue working on their nutrition projects. The first and second three day food log comparison is due Wednesday.

Applied Math 8

Lesson 3-4: Adding Integers
Assignment: p. 122-123 #5-22, #31-42 (#5-10 were done together in class)

Social Studies 8

Chapter 9 Quiz today. Students who were absent last Friday took their map quizzes and worked on the Chapter 9 Review.
Assignment: Read Chapter 10 (Brazil) Sections 1-2 and complete the notes

Langauge Arts - 8 (12/8-12/12)

This week we are working on vocabulary words that deal with fairness and unfairness. The packet is due on Wednesday along with the quiz being on Thursday.

Monday we are going to be working on the nonverbal cues behind our voices: pitch, tone, volume, articulation, and accent. We will be doing some practice with different vocal cues and preparing for our speeches that begin Wednesday. Remember to bring in a monologue, children's story, or poem to read for the class. You will be graded on your interpretation of the reading using your body language, gestures, facial exressions, pitch, tone, volume, etc. The speech will be worth 50 points so make sure to practice!

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