Monday, March 8, 2010

Science 7

Today all students received their 3rd science text book. The students are now in groups/pairs and are determining how they would like to presents specific information about a chapter. Each group takes a turn in "the drivers seat". Make sure to ask them about it!

Math 7 (Moran)

Lesson 7-5, page 315, #'s 14-40 EVEN and 41-47(review)


Lesson 10-5, pages 494-495. Problems 12-42 and 45-51

7th Grade Math

Lesson 7-5, page 315. Problems 13-39.


Lesson 8.1 Part 1, page 453. Problems 22-58.

Literature 8

First Hour began reading Contagion.
Second hour presented their book projects...and watched the end of the movie!

Science 8

Introduction to Protists...notes on the separate phyla. Assignment is to read and answer questions about a Sarcodine: Amoeba.

8th gr. Spanish FLEX

The graded "family" vocabulary quizzes were returned to students. We did a dictado (dictation) using page 56 in the textbook. We reviewed "telling time." Assignment due tomorrow: Write 5 sentences in Spanish about your class schedule noting at what time the class commences

Health 7

Study for test on Tuesday. Look over alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana note sheets.
Make sure you bring in Human Growth and Development permission slip by Tuesday.

Health 8

Practiced care for an unconscious choking victim in classs today. Study for test on Wednesday.

Social Studies 8

We read through Chapter 11, Section 2 (The Texas Revolution) as a class and discussed important points that could be included in student outlines.
Homework: Outline Chapter 11, Section 2 using the standard outline format we have learned.

Applied Math 7

Lesson 77: Symbols of Inclusion
Practice problems - 15 done as a class; 16-30 on your own --> all due at the end of the hour.

Applied Math 8

Chapter 6 Mid-Chapter Test.
No homework.

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