Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Lesson 2-3, pages 74-75. Problems 10-29 and 25-40

7th Grade Math-Mr. Smith

Lesson 2-3, pages 67-68. Problems 12-22 and 25-32.


Lesson 2.5, pages 96-98. Problems 16-56 even, 58-63, 68-70, 72, 73, 80, 85, 95, 97. Quiz is tomorrow.

Social Studies 8

Review of South America physical features, countries, and capitals. Map Test on South America is scheduled for October 16.
Check of South America maps for points.
Introduced the South America project - students will be completing part of the project in Social Studies, and part in Tech Ed. This is a long(ish) term project (due date is October 14). Students were given a detailed schedule (what we do each day, due dates for portions of the project, etc) as well as helpful templates for sections of the project. Ask your student to share their packet with you. This project should not require much time outside of class as long as students use the time they are given during social studies class to work on the project.

Applied Math 7

Lesson 13: Part-Part-Whole Word Problems
Assignment: Complete Lesson 13

Applied Math 8

Lesson 1-2: Powers and Exponents
Assignment: p. 11-13 #5-53

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