Monday, November 8, 2010

7th Grade Math and Pre-Algebra

First three hours of the school day, students were taking the reading portion of the WKCE test.
4th hour thru 8th hour students received a refresher course on multiplying and dividing decimals. Homework is to complete the worksheet.


Health 8

Get syllabus signed. Read pp. 12-19. Study bones.

Health 7

Get syllabus signed.

Applied Math 8

Shortened period due to WKCE tests, but we still had class today.
Lesson 3-4: Adding Integers
-Notes and in class practice
HW: p. 123 #11-22 AND #31-42 due tomorrow.

Applied Math 7

No class today - WKCE testing

Social Studies 8

No 2nd or 3rd hour today - WKCE tests.
7th Hour received a full class period to work on their independent study packets assigned last Friday. These are due next Monday.

Science 8 - Francoeur

No 1st hour today - WKCE tests.
8th Hour received a full class period to work on their independent study packets assigned last Friday. These are due next Monday. Students may choose the grade they start 2nd quarter with based on the percent of the work assigned they complete well in the given time.

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