Thursday, September 4, 2008

Science 7

Today students completed and turned in their bio glyph's (all but 4th hour - they will turn theirs in tomorrow). The bio glyphs are another tool to introduce the concept of a dichotomous key. In addition, it allows for a creative and fun look at the final product due to the directions/steps that have to be followed.
The students also received their Making Connections Packet. This is a long term packet, that will be due on 9/12/08 (next Friday). Each student was to write not only that they received it today, but also that on 9/12/08 that it is due. As a class, we talked about and I explained my expectations and directions for problems #1-12. It is not expected that they complete the packet at home tonight. Rather, the students had some time today to work on the packet in class. Time will be given periodically to the students to work on the packet in class - but as I told all hours, some of the work will need to be done at home.
There are 25 questions in this packet, and they all pertain to each individual student. In addition, there are various ways to receive extra credit points - the students were made aware of them for #1-12. I will let them know about the remaining numbers as we continue through the packet.
The content of the packet again relates the the student and is about his/her life. I listed the requirements for the packet on the first page. But, I will stress again some points. I require COMPLETE SENTENCES, proper grammar and spelling. Along with this is penmanship - this needs to be done neatly. As I told the classes, this isn't a race to see who can finish first, but rather the thought and effort that each student shows in his/her work.

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