Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Social Studies 8

Today we discussed the content from Chapter 7 that will be on the Unit Test (after Chapter 10). Students were encouraged to write this content down, rather than trying to remember it all in their heads. We also discussed Chapter 8 (Mexico) Sections 1-2. Students were given back the Chapter 7 Quizzes - the average grade was in the C range - a little disappointing considering that we go over the questions on the quiz every day in class.
Assignment: Students were to complete and hand in the Chapter 8 map of Mexico. If this is not turned in by the end of the hour it will be counted as late. Students were also assigned to read Section 3 and complete the notes for tomorrow. If Section 3 is not completed in class today, there should be time tomorrow to finish up.
Reminders: The Map Quiz and Note Check are on Thursday. The Chapter 8 Quiz is on Monday.

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